Thesis Defense Training (ZM 2, ZM 4)

Anja Berninger, 26. & 27. Oktober 2023, jeweils von 9.00 - 17.00 Uhr, Präsenz-Seminar


As part of the defense or disputation, doctoral students usually have to give a ten-to-thirty-minute presentation in which they explain the central points of their research project. This is followed by a discussion with the members of the committee. Thus, the aim of the seminar is to prepare you for this situation.
During the workshop, you will discuss important techniques for the defense presentation (e.g. structuring the presentation, tips for the structure of the argumentation, presentation techniques, dealing with critical questions and nervousness, etc.). The first day of the workshop will also focus on the presentation’s introduction and on how to give a concise and clear summary of your overall topic. Moreover, you will have the chance to receive feedback on a draft version of your own introduction.
The second workshop day will deal with possible questions during your defense. You will look into what kind of questions you can expect and how to react in difficult situations. Finally, some of you will have the opportunity to practice your own presentation and to receive feedback from the trainer as well as the group. The workshop will be held in English. However, if you prefer to practice your presentation in German, please let us now directly when you register (  
The workshop is aimed at all doctoral students in the final phase of their dissertation and participating in the Thesis Defense Training at least once is mandatory to obtain your Certificate of Completion.